bathtime nude from your local chubby girl. recovered from anorexia starting a few years ago and have been feeling insecure about my new body, but it feels freeing to post this- curves and all!
[M, 32, 175 lbs, 5’6] Feeling really self-conscious lately about my smaller penis. Do any women out there actually think it looks okay? Is this a silly thing guys just make themselves feel bad about for no reason?
19F, 5’1, 140 lbs (?) not sure been a while since i weigh myself but that was my last weight. Im tired of hating my body no matter what as i remember when i was fitter i still hated it, feels like hell. I never loved my body, Time to work on that, phys
I work hard to maintain my body after kids and this is my normal. You do you and rock the skin you’re in whatever the shape or size. Confidence is sexy
40(f) - 130lbs - 5ft 7. After the shower, quick selfie. like it or not, our bodies change over the years. if I could go back and tell 21 year old vulvart 1 thing, it would be to accept it, embrace it and enjoy it xx