(22, 141, 5'6) does anyone else gets those weird lines under they boobies? is its cause im too chubby or is it cause of my bra? im so confused. but i literally have fat at the weirdest places possible (see my armpit fat)
F21, 138lbs, 5’9. Feel like I have a manly body, no curves and pretty wide shoulders. Also HATE my labia (pretty sure u can tell in the pic how long it is :/). Just wasn’t blessed with good genetics! On a good note I lost 32lbs, went from 170 to 138
F,22,110 lbs, 5'3" Lesion marks on right side of my body. Embarrassed of them.Took this pic at Dermatologist office before getting dressed after they were examined and photographed(Total body photography can be embarrassing) glad to have a place to pos