[31, 65kg, 175 cm] -- hello! sometimes we over think a lot about the flaws we perceive on our bodies. What I love about this sub: it's always a good time to say something nice to other people and that can make a big difference for sure.
5’8” 127 33 F. I see so many negative posts about vulvas - “outies”, “too big”, “I hate it”, etc. We’re all normal. Stop being self conscious … trust me, no one cares.
Noticed recently my inner labia have gotten darker, especially near the edges. I did lose a bit of weight and now they stick out a little bit and probably touch more on clothes where as they never did before, could this be why? Has this happened to anyon
[M] 37, 145, 5’9. I’ve felt kind of like a weirdo tbh. Have a hard time talking with women. For some reason posting photos cuts past all that for me and feels really good.