gonna keep this anonymous for the streamers sake ,but what are your opinions on streamer .overlays like these? One's that are basically bombarded with things on the screen,
Do views on twitch VOD's really mean anything for a smaller streamer or are they all usually just bots. Because they tend to fluctuate so much that I can't really tell.
I'm so sick of all these stupid bots that just sit in my chat and the chats that I mod for! I understand they don't really do anything except collect data or some bullshit but I don't want to have to look through all these names just to see that there
Bandwidth bottleneck problems (asia server) the last time I streamed 10 days ago were perfectly fine (I stream on 8k bitrate), but now it fluctuates around 3k to 4k with the same settings, tried resetting modem and restarting to no avail. Is this an ISP
Twitch Authentication on my mobile is this normal do I need to do it on my pc then imput my phone number on there? Iv had this problem since 2FA or account verification has started?