Is there a way to know on when and what devices are logged in with my twitch account? I have 2FA on and for some reason my bio on twitch got changed into an advertisement for a phishing site.
Was this premptively released when it wasn't meant to be? 'Learn more' leads to a 404 and I can't give the role out. Sorry if I mised any posts about this already.
I clicked a few to many times this morning and now my followed channels on the left are minimized. i tried looking up how to fix it, but everything i found said there should be an arrow to make it expand or something in the settings. cant find the settin
When i go to see what drops i can stream, i can only stream not so popular games. But other people can stream fortnite with drops enabled. Here are some games that i can stream with drops on. Can someone explain?
This was my first affiliate stream and I don't understand how I only get 1/3 of the tier 2 subscription? I thought it was 50% always? Thanks for your help:)
I don’t speak much in my streams due to the complex task of playing music, controlling the lights, video effects and camera moves in my 3D world. Do you prefer a DJ that talk often or focus on the task? Could use some feedback thx :)
white screen? it seems to be a twitch prime issue. i can enable visible and not visible with a prime loot reminder extension but this channel does not have it. help?