Poppers, beware! Had an ingrown hair on my coochie and apparently I squeezed too hard. Bruised, hurts to walk, extremely irritating. Be nice to your bodies, friends. NSFW even though you can’t see much.
What is this? I keep getting reoccurring pimples above & below my armpits. The pimples themselves are sore, usually whiteheads but sometimes there’s deep larger ones too, it tends to last 2-3 weeks at a time & I don’t get pimples anywhere els
Boyfriend said he had some gold mines on his back tonight, I would agree 😅 Didn’t film any popping unfortunately but all of the pops were anticlimactic anyways 😂
I got this pump a month ago on my toe and it hurts like hell does anyone know what this might be ? I’m reading comments about amputation and I’m like fuckk