Wife went out with her friends and ended up at one of the girls houses who’s husband has been known to fuck other girls. My wife alway told me she thought he/it was discussing. Apparently she gave in this time.
At the office I made a bet with a guy saying that I could out sell him. The bet was that if I won He paid for weeks vacation in Hawaii for me and my wife. And if I lost he got to fuck my wife. I lost. I knew that I would not be able to convince her so I
When my girlfriend went to college in the USA for her master's. She cheated on me in the first week but after talking it out we agreed that she could fuck whoever as long as she told me that she was going to do it.
My Fiancé is happy with this arrangement too as he gets pics and videos while he is away! Wonder how he is going to react when I show him the creampie I just took 😋🥰