StreamLabs Performance Notifications: Skipped Frames Detected! Kinda disappointed because I spent an hour an a but recording. I’ve got a laptop but don’t know the proper metrics needed.
I don’t speak much in my streams due to the complex task of playing music, controlling the lights, video effects and camera moves in my 3D world. Do you prefer a DJ that talk often or focus on the task? Could use some feedback thx :)
I just started streaming again after a few years and for some reason I got 2 paid subs and only have 1.37 and 1 gifted sub and got .69 for it it used to be $2.50. Did they change something?
Does It Take Time For The "Affiliate Followers" Goal To Update? I'm Not Trying To Sound Whiney, I Just Want To Make Sure I Understand How This Works Because I Hit 50 Last Night & Got 3 More Since Then.
Twitch Authentication on my mobile is this normal do I need to do it on my pc then imput my phone number on there? Iv had this problem since 2FA or account verification has started?
hey, I changed the bitrate to 6000 but when I start the stream, obs changes it to 1500. I have a consistent fiber-connection and I can't find a solution. thynk you for any help : )
New Twitch logo for my stream I made this for my stream and honestly just enjoy it. What are your opinions, please be kind as I am a small streamer so I know this probably won’t be seen.
Hey all, had a pretty active chatter in my stream last night, said he had two accounts and seemed pretty genuine. I've woken up today and both his accounts are unknown users. Is this a bug? he can't have been a bit as he was replying to me.
Is the Twitch analytics page broken? I see “166 Subscriptions” while I actually have 79. If I export the data, the spreadsheet confirms it too. At this point the revenue and the subs are completely off. Is this a know issue, and are there any workaro