It took me until my 50s to stop being self-conscious about my slender body and skinny arms. Exercising more helped a bit but it was mostly in my head. My advice - love yourself now! (The sign was for a Twitter pro-nudity campaign)
40(f) - 130lbs - 5ft 7. The older I get the more I accept my body for what it is. This body has produced 2 kids, every sag and stretch mark is worth it. normal is beautiful
5'10 260lbs 30 years old- I weighed myself for the first time in a really long time and I hadn't even realized that I'd gained 30 lb. I'm kind of depressed about that because I know that it's related to my medicines. but I also haven't been working
([M] 29, 170, 5’11) I’ve been just feeling so good lately. 5 days a week at the gym, regularly full 7-8 hours of sleep, and been getting more hours in reading and studying instead of being hooked on TikTok! I hope everyone else is doing just as well.