Thank you Twitch for giving us streamlined and easy to use mod tools. I can totally see what is going on here when attempting to check a viewers history while they are in time-out.
Do views on twitch VOD's really mean anything for a smaller streamer or are they all usually just bots. Because they tend to fluctuate so much that I can't really tell.
Hey all, had a pretty active chatter in my stream last night, said he had two accounts and seemed pretty genuine. I've woken up today and both his accounts are unknown users. Is this a bug? he can't have been a bit as he was replying to me.
Had my account for almost a year and dozens of subs. Suddenly in the middle of watching a random stream Twitch is asking me for my phone number and won’t allow me to chad until I do so on anyone’s streams. What gives?
I went to use my prime Sub to find it has already been used so I looked at active subscriptions and I don't recognize the person I've supposedly subbed to, when I search the name on twitch it doesn't come up with anything. 2FA is on so I have no idea
Whenever I try to resub it say's "your payment has been cancelled" and I have enough money in my account. It also lowered the price to 1.49 I believe that's what the problem is and it won't change back.
white screen? it seems to be a twitch prime issue. i can enable visible and not visible with a prime loot reminder extension but this channel does not have it. help?