(28f, 5’3, 208lbs) might delete in 13 hours. Always had a hard time with my body image because I grew up in a time where you were skinny, blonde, & blue eyed. I came out curvy, brunette, with brown eyes.
Losing weight is hard, however I’m being consistent and although I’m not nearly close to my goal weight. I’m definitely closer than I was before. 24F 5’1” 190 lbs
Not a great angle (my arms are only so long) or flattering pic but I like locker room nudes because I feel great and my confidence is boosted after a good run/workout. Lost another few pounds and still working on the belly but I’m ok with the progress.
20F, 5’4”, 155 lbs. this was at the beginning of my weight loss journey last year. Feeling really good about myself. I’ll post the progress pics later!