(M)ale 33 5"10 average/ish weight i guess. Usually post with confidence but right now I'm second guessing myself and thinking I'm really out of shape, my penis is too small just not really liking myself right now. I'm not fishing for compliments just
So even though I lost a ton of weight (90+ lbs), I still have some issues to resolve in regards to how I feel about how I look. Trying to forget I am turning 60 soon.
33f 5’8 160- had surgery to correct major breast asymmetry and I’m so thankful that they look good in clothes but I just wish they could look better nude. Trying to get over it!
I’ve always had what I call “bad skin.†It’s one of my biggest insecurities. The acne on my chest has been getting worse recently 😔 but still trying to love myself