(F)(29)(160ish)(5 foot 1) This body birthed two beautiful little girls, but I can't get myself to stop hating it after not losing the pregnancy weight.
24, 5’6, 260lbs | Anybody else struggling to tune out what “bbw” bodies “should” look like? All bodies are valid and worthy. I don’t need to meet your ideal fetish.
40(f) -130lbs ish - 5ft 7. The mombod in all its glory. Gravity found my boobs and the mom tum here to stay. I have my up days and down days, but this is me and I love it xx
(27F, 5'6'', 125 lbs). I went from the happiest I'd ever been to a breakup and my lowest low in just a few weeks. Honestly I really could just use some love and validation right now.