Ear Hole Update! it's been a few months, and all they've confirmed is that it IS a cholesteatoma...and a big one at that. Waiting for a pre-surgery consultation, but today a piece literally broke off in my ear causing quite a bit of bleeding and pain ð
Meet the keloid that refuses to leave!! I’ve had my ear operated on 3 different times to get rid of it. The last time I got it removed the surgeon said this was the last time he’d do it because I obviously wasn’t taking care of my self.
Stepped on a toothpick in December, urgent care got as much of it out as they could. This finally popped yesterday while I was checking on the "healed" puncture site. Sweet relief.
OC underwhelming pop with surprising result. Is this a blackhead? Came from my armpit. (Sorry no video, I squeezed without thinking anything was really going to come out)