Well here it is, the VERY painful and bruised hole left behind after the top of my cholesteatoma broke off. ENT are sending me an appointment letter to get a fresh look
What is this? I originally thought it was a mosquito bite (itchy af) but then it started to get really red/purple?, sore, and hurt to put weight on the leg.. hot compresses don’t seem to be helping. When I put a bandaid and polysporin on it seems to oo
Had to deal with my home toenail surgery infection all day. Couldn’t wait to get my boot off. Yes it was wrapped and had antiseptic cream on it. Felt so good to squeeze.
Is this ingrown hair or something else, its right next to ny balls. It like a dark underskin line that is soft to touch but it cant be popped. Its also like a little bump.
I just wanted to give a little update that I was finally able to have my cyst removed. It’s very itchy right now but I’m very glad it’s been done. Also, before you tell me to put some kind of bandage on it I’m extremely allergic to adhesive and w