Can someone PLEASE help me tell XQC that someone trolled a news lady here in Dallas TX doing HS graduate shoutouts submitted to her. Comments were like “good for him for going back to school!” I don’t think he ever saw this happened it’s just so
Is there a way to know on when and what devices are logged in with my twitch account? I have 2FA on and for some reason my bio on twitch got changed into an advertisement for a phishing site.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows why on my Xbox One my Twitch streaming status bar is missing the “eyeball” viewer count and minute count up feature? Thank you!
New Twitch logo for my stream I made this for my stream and honestly just enjoy it. What are your opinions, please be kind as I am a small streamer so I know this probably won’t be seen.
How do I disable !8ball? It has been turned off on Stream Elements, but for some reason whenever I type '!8ball' followed by any text, it still responds but only now it doesn't use Stream Elements to respond, but rather with my own Twitch handle. How