Was this premptively released when it wasn't meant to be? 'Learn more' leads to a 404 and I can't give the role out. Sorry if I mised any posts about this already.
I don't have the option to purchase a subsciption without prime. i'm on mobile, and I have recently removed an account that the current payment methods belonged to.
20mins of my chat in OBS (but also on browser). Twitch can not see anything wrong, and tell me my ISP is to blame. ISP sees nothing wrong. Connected with cable to router, that has no outages. 1000/1000 fiber connection
Does It Take Time For The "Affiliate Followers" Goal To Update? I'm Not Trying To Sound Whiney, I Just Want To Make Sure I Understand How This Works Because I Hit 50 Last Night & Got 3 More Since Then.