Nfsw my butt, the damage to my back from adhesive. This is the nasty open sore level damage my back has from adhesive. Unfortunately my insurance is refusing the liquid medication topical despite the obvious need to avoid the adhesive.
Had tonsilitis. This came out of my mouth. Dr checked and says half of my tonsil is missing and there's a massive hole where flesh should be. Anyone had this happen before? Dr thinks the tissue got infected and died. Not technically anything popping!
OC underwhelming pop with surprising result. Is this a blackhead? Came from my armpit. (Sorry no video, I squeezed without thinking anything was really going to come out)
TL;DR - a formerly benign cyst went haywire when my immune system ramped up to fight covid. Had it lanced, then I was allergic to the antibacterial infused bandaids I bought to cover it. I'm in hell.