Did you know that you can change your OBS theme to make it more personalized? It's only cosmetic, but it's a fun change with how much time I spend looking at OBS. Instructions will be posted in the comments!
Has anyone ever figured out how to fix this issue when watching a stream? It seems to appear within the first 2 minutes of watching. I'm using Chrome. Clearing cache and cookies never fixed it for me. Been happening for a year now.
StreamLabs Performance Notifications: Skipped Frames Detected! Kinda disappointed because I spent an hour an a but recording. I’ve got a laptop but don’t know the proper metrics needed.
6 years ago, Tyler received the indefinite ban that secured his place as a titan of Twitch. He then began his glorious transformation. When did you first watch Tyler?
Hey all, had a pretty active chatter in my stream last night, said he had two accounts and seemed pretty genuine. I've woken up today and both his accounts are unknown users. Is this a bug? he can't have been a bit as he was replying to me.
Hello, so basically whenever I tried to cheer to a streamer, it says this. I couldn’t cheer since it says this. I’m in mobile since I’m on my way home from work.