LF Mono Source: "...No, I'm with some friends." "But they left for a bit..." "Ohh! Is that right?" "You should enjoy yourself while you're here." "Oh, sure..." "There's no need to be modest." "whisper Dude! are you seeing this? whisper"
LF Mono Source: 1girl, 1boy, "ready or not here comes my cock", "push", "nha", "creak", "huff", long hair, white hair, twintail, from behind, black hair, short hair, on bed, pillow, sweating, doggystyle, pants pull, from side, big breasts, ass
LF Mono Source: 2girls, swimsuit, blushing, star eyes, choker, sunglasses, long hair, short hair, gloves, tanned skin, text "Any cum we collect is converted into cash and deposited into our bank! We could be billionaires!!", "Cash!? Did I miss out on
LF Mono Source; spanish text, "ayer estuve practicando desnuda mis patadas giratorias después de darme un baño, lo que puede haber causado que mi cuerpo se resfriara.", 1girl, naked, censored vagina, large breasts, angry, black hair, long hair, kick,