EveryBODY has a powerful story to share. Here’s a gentle reminder that you are seen even when you feel invisible, beautiful like you and deeply loved. [Hello I just turned 40, 5ft7.5, 110]
[F44] 5'1" 150+ Hubby took this one morning while I was getting ready for work. While it may not be glamorous, it's me, it's real and I'm really starting to love my body for what it is: Perfect Imperfection. Thank you ALL for your kind words! This g
[F, 27, 180, 5’ 4”] I’m struggling today to love my mom body since I haven’t been taking care of it like I should. Maybe after the weekend I’ll get back on track.
M 38 5'10" 205 - I've been struggling with body image lately. Just keep finding little things I want to chip away at. Depression & anxiety can be a bitch, no?