The snow is all melted now, but the forest still beautiful. [F38, 5'8", 135 lb or so, one child] Picture taken with pro equipment. Might post more from this photoshoot later, if I feel like it.
[M 31, 65kg, 175cm] -- Used to be bullied in high school because I was so skinny. Feeling way better with more weight, still feels weird after being so thin.
[F] 26, 4’10, 92lbs I don’t like how my body looks like a chubby boy’s. I don’t mind that my lack of boobs/butt isn’t feminine, but I struggle with thinking that thinness is my only ticket to being pretty. The pressure that I’m not thin enoug
40(f) - 130lbs ish - 5ft 7. It took me a while to accept the changes in my body after kids. Wonky boobs, chunky hips/thighs and a bum that isn't as high as it once was. But I love my "mom bod" and Reddit has taught me that I'm not alone. People don'
Female, 20, 5’6”, ~140ish idfk Vaginas are beautiful! I’ve gone through a journey with mine and for the most part I’ve always loved her and for that I feel lucky. There is hair, stubble, red bumps, black spots, smells, discharge, and difficulty w