My son had a laparoscopic surgery when he was an infant. Every now and then, 10 years later, the tiny scar fills up and gets a black head. Got this cute little thing out of it just now! (No children were harmed during the squeezing)
sorry about the dirty hands, just came from work and this stuff is impossible to get off. But does this blister look infected? 3-4 weeks old from working on car.
I've had this on my inner thigh for years, its hard as a rock and looks "shiny" under the skin so I think it might be a cyst of some sort but only blood comes out when I try and pop it. So today I'm breaking out the hot compress and attacking this th
What is this? I keep getting reoccurring pimples above & below my armpits. The pimples themselves are sore, usually whiteheads but sometimes there’s deep larger ones too, it tends to last 2-3 weeks at a time & I don’t get pimples anywhere els