Do views on twitch VOD's really mean anything for a smaller streamer or are they all usually just bots. Because they tend to fluctuate so much that I can't really tell.
For the love of God, I am watching on Vanilla Mozilla Firefox. Never had this keeps blocking the stream for 30 seconds at a time and I can't skip. STOP THIS CRAP.
browser extension "ttv-favorites": star followed channels to add them to a "favorite channels" section in the sidebar of for distinction / awareness / easier access to smaller channels
does anyone know why this couldve happened? i never actually subbed to this streamer myself and i looked through my notifications and didnt find any multi-month gifted subs
StreamLabs Performance Notifications: Skipped Frames Detected! Kinda disappointed because I spent an hour an a but recording. I’ve got a laptop but don’t know the proper metrics needed.