Has anyone ever figured out how to fix this issue when watching a stream? It seems to appear within the first 2 minutes of watching. I'm using Chrome. Clearing cache and cookies never fixed it for me. Been happening for a year now.
I just started streaming again after a few years and for some reason I got 2 paid subs and only have 1.37 and 1 gifted sub and got .69 for it it used to be $2.50. Did they change something?
Golden kappa instead of regular. Does anyone know how rare this is to get found it in the chat of a streamer I was watching? Bttv just lists it as regular Kappa but clearly, it's different.
browser extension "ttv-favorites": star followed channels to add them to a "favorite channels" section in the sidebar of Twitch.tv for distinction / awareness / easier access to smaller channels