(21F, 5’2, 142 lbs) These past few months have honestly been really stressful with both college & lots of family drama which has really taken a toll on my mental health and self confidence😔
33f 5’8 160- had surgery to correct major breast asymmetry and I’m so thankful that they look good in clothes but I just wish they could look better nude. Trying to get over it!
(Male, 25, 194cm) It has been a while since my naked body has seen the sun. It feels so good, but I'm scared that someone will see me. I lost some weight but I'm to shy to show it. When I see myself I feel so fat. What do you think? Please be honest!
Female, 20, 5’6”, ~140ish idfk Vaginas are beautiful! I’ve gone through a journey with mine and for the most part I’ve always loved her and for that I feel lucky. There is hair, stubble, red bumps, black spots, smells, discharge, and difficulty w
f/5’3/116 lbs ive been extra insecure about my fat distribution. my stomach is flabby no matter how much weight i lose, I have wide rib cage, a cups, and my ass is too small for my frame. Nothing sexually attractive about me. no matter how much I want