My Boss likes to give me all of his work so that I am late home. While I am doing all of his work he goes to my house and fucks my wife while I have to watch from the window
New content🤣, all the bullies wanna read this one: so apparently there’s this kid going around being a fake gangbanger around San Antonio, well dude the oops got your mom pretty good here, and we can here him try to call her lol. Streets aren’t a
I know my gf really loves me because she stands up to my asshole bully of a boss for me. She went over to his house after she messaged him so they could talk more. I’m so lucky to have her
Since mom has taken up the job of a waitress at the new restaurant, the sales have skyrocketed! But due to some weird policy dad and I aren't allowed in there. But I've asked all my friends about it and they all said they had their best time there!