This isn’t a pop but it’s what I find once a month between my big toe and the one next to it! Dead skin and sebum mixture, with hair coming out of it! About the size of a dime. Fun, huh?!
My son had a laparoscopic surgery when he was an infant. Every now and then, 10 years later, the tiny scar fills up and gets a black head. Got this cute little thing out of it just now! (No children were harmed during the squeezing)
Well here it is, the VERY painful and bruised hole left behind after the top of my cholesteatoma broke off. ENT are sending me an appointment letter to get a fresh look
Had tonsilitis. This came out of my mouth. Dr checked and says half of my tonsil is missing and there's a massive hole where flesh should be. Anyone had this happen before? Dr thinks the tissue got infected and died. Not technically anything popping!