After trying to get closer to the people in power in this land, I felt something sharp on my side and one of those guards must’ve been tailing me ever since I left the arena. Now I’m injured and someone out there clearly wants to capture me...
Great... The Queen has returned and is making another large scale mess that I need to clean up. I forsee lots of late nights at the office over this one...
The hazing at my sorority is so humiliating and degrading. I almost feel like a Goddess-minor when I am done, but at least I can take it out on my pig when I get back to my dorm.
SLUTcon has begun. Depending on your interests please feel free to attend a diplomatic gathering, go shopping at the trade show, engage in some cultural exchanges or just hit the bars and see what happens.
I am so excited I got into the University of Freya. Apparently, I even get my very own slave that comes with my dorm room. This is going to be so much fun!