How do I disable !8ball? It has been turned off on Stream Elements, but for some reason whenever I type '!8ball' followed by any text, it still responds but only now it doesn't use Stream Elements to respond, but rather with my own Twitch handle. How
I just started streaming again after a few years and for some reason I got 2 paid subs and only have 1.37 and 1 gifted sub and got .69 for it it used to be $2.50. Did they change something?
Twitch Authentication on my mobile is this normal do I need to do it on my pc then imput my phone number on there? Iv had this problem since 2FA or account verification has started?
Is there a way to know on when and what devices are logged in with my twitch account? I have 2FA on and for some reason my bio on twitch got changed into an advertisement for a phishing site.