Had my account for almost a year and dozens of subs. Suddenly in the middle of watching a random stream Twitch is asking me for my phone number and won’t allow me to chad until I do so on anyone’s streams. What gives?
When i go into theatre mode, the player controls are overlapped in this weird way, but its only in theatre mode. no idea how or when it happened but i can't seem to fix it. Any ideas? i have bttv and ffz stuff enabled so not sure if its something to do
hey, I changed the bitrate to 6000 but when I start the stream, obs changes it to 1500. I have a consistent fiber-connection and I can't find a solution. thynk you for any help : )
Does It Take Time For The "Affiliate Followers" Goal To Update? I'm Not Trying To Sound Whiney, I Just Want To Make Sure I Understand How This Works Because I Hit 50 Last Night & Got 3 More Since Then.