Sir, I out to the furniture emporium, to purchase a chaise longue for Lady B___. Upon its delivery, I am most anxious as to it's comfort. I enlist Maid Ellie to advise me as to it's skin feel. "How do you mean, sir?" she enquires.
Sir, It is often said that women do not like the hobby of bicycling. I wholeheartedly disagree with this false statement. Here we can clearly see one who is getting much pleasure from her velocipede.
Sir, as a progressive employer I do select each week a maid to live upstairs for the evening. We do drink wine, and enjoy a game of poker. Knowing that my staff do not have great wealth, I suggest alternatives when placing stakes. Win or lose, the game p
Sir, Upon employing two new maids, I was pleasantly surprised to note how they worked most harmoniously together. Further, my insistence that maids share accommodation to reduce costs is usually met with much disagreement, but my new staff were most deli
Sir, it most pleases me to share a photolithograph of my maid Rosie. She is most enthusiastic upon the gentlefolk inspecting her particulars. Daily, she is up at 4:30am to light my fire, I can postulate.
Sir, I recently sent a postal order for 3 guineas to an advertisement in the "personals" section of a gentleman's periodical. "Receive by return post,a photolithograph of a mistress most strict". I may have been hoodwinked.
Sir, Upon reading of the modern "Sapphic Love" in a book within my library, I had some maids attempt the embrace as described. I have to say that I concur with Her Majesty Queen Victoria - I cannot imagine this arrangement being very pleasurable. Altho
Sir, A new system for "peer assessment" of staff comes to my attention. I am all for modern progress, but I do sometimes prefer the old ways. Or at least permit me to watch the proceedings.
Sir, A comely lady of many merits did supply to me by post a photolithograph that I at once believed to have been optically modified with a bubble-nancy lens, as is the fashion of to-day. However, upon meeting said lady, I did discover to my great enjoym
Sir, To town, where I meet with Lord Albermarle to visit a spiritualist medium lady. For a fee, she summons her spirit guide and contacts those who have passed on. Strange sensations, smells and apparitions are said to materialize. I present here lithogr
Sir, I have devised a new system which I believe will double the amount of cleaning that any maid may undertake within a individual working day. Tests are ongoing, under my close scrutiny.