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Went to the doctor as recommended by everyone in this post. Some people wanted an update so for anyone wondering, they are just cysts and harmless. Check your balls guys.
From my hip to your screens. No idea what it is, but I’m currently referring to it as a micro shrimp 🦐
After 3 days of trying to draw it out and pressure/pain only getting worse. Time to say fuck it, grab the razor, and plug my nose. Im going in!!!!
Nsfw for location. But this has been on my butt cheek for a week now and it hurts so bad (even when I lay down). Cant wait to get this to a head
UPDATE: Brother went back to surgeon. We are cleaning / packing it a couple times a day will update more.
had this weird thing under my arm. popped it earlier. it’s been hurting all day, checked it and this is what it looked like!! ew.
Need advice please. This is a pic of a portion of my upper thigh. My inner thighs are like this all over. I don’t know who can help or what I should do. Dermatologist? Self help? Salon? Been like this my entire adult life and I’m so self conscious ab