Has anyone ever figured out how to fix this issue when watching a stream? It seems to appear within the first 2 minutes of watching. I'm using Chrome. Clearing cache and cookies never fixed it for me. Been happening for a year now.
I clicked a few to many times this morning and now my followed channels on the left are minimized. i tried looking up how to fix it, but everything i found said there should be an arrow to make it expand or something in the settings. cant find the settin
Does It Take Time For The "Affiliate Followers" Goal To Update? I'm Not Trying To Sound Whiney, I Just Want To Make Sure I Understand How This Works Because I Hit 50 Last Night & Got 3 More Since Then.
Twitch Authentication on my mobile is this normal do I need to do it on my pc then imput my phone number on there? Iv had this problem since 2FA or account verification has started?