hey, I changed the bitrate to 6000 but when I start the stream, obs changes it to 1500. I have a consistent fiber-connection and I can't find a solution. thynk you for any help : )
Is the Twitch analytics page broken? I see “166 Subscriptions” while I actually have 79. If I export the data, the spreadsheet confirms it too. At this point the revenue and the subs are completely off. Is this a know issue, and are there any workaro
Hey all, had a pretty active chatter in my stream last night, said he had two accounts and seemed pretty genuine. I've woken up today and both his accounts are unknown users. Is this a bug? he can't have been a bit as he was replying to me.
browser extension "ttv-favorites": star followed channels to add them to a "favorite channels" section in the sidebar of Twitch.tv for distinction / awareness / easier access to smaller channels