For the love of God, I am watching on Vanilla Mozilla Firefox. Never had this keeps blocking the stream for 30 seconds at a time and I can't skip. STOP THIS CRAP.
Thank you Twitch for giving us streamlined and easy to use mod tools. I can totally see what is going on here when attempting to check a viewers history while they are in time-out.
browser extension "ttv-favorites": star followed channels to add them to a "favorite channels" section in the sidebar of for distinction / awareness / easier access to smaller channels
Anyway to actually just entirely get rid of these bots? They've been in here for ages and there's triple the amount then the one I posted in the screenshot. Even if they do nothing, I'd rather have no viewers in my list then what are essentially fakes
StreamLabs Performance Notifications: Skipped Frames Detected! Kinda disappointed because I spent an hour an a but recording. I’ve got a laptop but don’t know the proper metrics needed.
New Twitch logo for my stream I made this for my stream and honestly just enjoy it. What are your opinions, please be kind as I am a small streamer so I know this probably won’t be seen.
6 years ago, Tyler received the indefinite ban that secured his place as a titan of Twitch. He then began his glorious transformation. When did you first watch Tyler?