Anyone know what’s causing this error? I didn’t delete my account or anything, just updated some info as I managed affiliate but obs can’t seem to connect my account.
I clicked a few to many times this morning and now my followed channels on the left are minimized. i tried looking up how to fix it, but everything i found said there should be an arrow to make it expand or something in the settings. cant find the settin
Anyway to actually just entirely get rid of these bots? They've been in here for ages and there's triple the amount then the one I posted in the screenshot. Even if they do nothing, I'd rather have no viewers in my list then what are essentially fakes
Is the Twitch analytics page broken? I see “166 Subscriptions” while I actually have 79. If I export the data, the spreadsheet confirms it too. At this point the revenue and the subs are completely off. Is this a know issue, and are there any workaro