Do views on twitch VOD's really mean anything for a smaller streamer or are they all usually just bots. Because they tend to fluctuate so much that I can't really tell.
Bandwidth bottleneck problems (asia server) the last time I streamed 10 days ago were perfectly fine (I stream on 8k bitrate), but now it fluctuates around 3k to 4k with the same settings, tried resetting modem and restarting to no avail. Is this an ISP
So this happened when I tired to upload my VOD to YT. for OBVIOUS reasons I dont want to split it into 15 minute videos. Is there anyway on twitch to just make it 2 seperate videos (as it seemed to try and do) or do I just have to download the wholeeeeee
browser extension "ttv-favorites": star followed channels to add them to a "favorite channels" section in the sidebar of for distinction / awareness / easier access to smaller channels
In Amsterdam the age restrictions are 16, but what about San Diego? when I good it this is all I get. and if there are age restrictions, can it be allowed if with an adult. ex: 14 year old with an adult. or does it have to be 16?
Golden kappa instead of regular. Does anyone know how rare this is to get found it in the chat of a streamer I was watching? Bttv just lists it as regular Kappa but clearly, it's different.