Results are in! Thank you for participating. I'm glad I'm not the only sorry perv who's so far gone down the abdl rabbit whole that they can't cum without it. Many commenters said 'yes, if they think about other fetishes instead'. So you're alrigh
That vulnerable feeling when she changes me is incredible! The feeling of unconditional love and pure acceptance is something that I never in a million years thought I would ever experience - Turns out that dreams do come true! This girl means the absolu
Has anyone bought one of these new Enigma Pacifiers from Pacifieraddicts/Rearz? If so how do they like it? Is it too big? How’s the texture? Please give me your honest reviews ❤️
Happy long playday weekend! Mommy says it's time to go on an adventure but I'm a lazy baby 😊 Wanna come too? Bluey says there will be lotsa fun games!! 💙