Welcome to the show. New to this streaming thing and giving it a go! Come through sometime! Going to be streaming MLB The Show, COD, and BF2042! Follow @DonkeyRopeTV!
Twitch, when a category doesn't have an image, it puts this image by default. Is there any chance a random user can submit a detailed image instead of using the default?
My twitch emote dashboard has said this for about 2 months now. I don't have follower emotes either, I tried contacting twitch but had 0 response. Is there any idea on when I will get these slots?
I keep getting these weird users in my feed but they are not real people that I can talk to. how do I block this? Sometimes the list is 10 names long. most lead to just broadcasted chat channels.
This happened to anyone else? Twitch loads but 9/10ths of the UI is completely broken. I have to type the streamer in to the URL if I want to see them and even when I do that most of the UI is still missing