☃️Xmas Is Coming! ☃️ Will You Be Snowballing Next Month?? ❄️ The RACK 🔞 Are Looking For New Blood For Our 14 Fun Filled Group Rooms. Come And Join Us If You Are Looking For A Safe🔞, Kinky⛓️ Space To Socialise👯, Learn📚 & Sh
am curious what are other littles like when they drink "big girl juice" i get goofy and little also more friendly and cuddly like it takes the edge off of my peronality, do others endup in little space/goofy?
Bought these bun bun ears to reward myself for finishing the semester! I‘ ve been having a lot of ups and downs but I managed to get all A’s for the first time in maybe 5 years. PSA:Try to be compassionate to yourself even when things aren’t going
This is my first post on this thread and Reddit all together! Last night my daddy took me out to play some games and he won me a stuffie! I love this ugly little blob fish so much, we named him Buster ☺️💕🌈