Tiny, painful, hard white bump right on the inside of the knuckle on my thumb. This is what I presume is a forbidden pop… has anyone else gotten something like this before? It hurts like mad to bend my thumb. It’s hard to see but the center of the bu
Had a monster cystic acne on my chin for 2 weeks now that refused to do anything and I tried to squeeze it on camera to no avail. The moment I tried to do it in the mirror this was the result. 2 cores came out. O_o (holding a shirt up so the camera would
First post: had a giant red spot on the end of my nose for a week or so and while at work it started hurt whenever my mask rubbed it and then I see this beauty
Does anyone know what these little hairs are? They don’t hurt to pluck and come out super easy. They’re on my sides and stomach occasionally. Worse on my sides though.