In regards of Twitch Rivals. Ive been Enjoying the last Twitch Rivals. But in many occasions, viewers coudn't watch anything, at least from the Streamers perspective, because there was people (staff and stremers) standing in front of the camera. Maybe t
Streaming in 21:9 aspect ratio will scale your live thumbnail vertically making it looked warped. I've made a before/after on how it should actually look in correspondance to the streamer's actual screen. Not sure how to get this to twitch as it does h
How to make it so that the hosted stream is shown on my main page IN FRONT of my last recorded stream, like on this picture? When I host someone it shows BEHIND my last stream.
Welcome to the show. New to this streaming thing and giving it a go! Come through sometime! Going to be streaming MLB The Show, COD, and BF2042! Follow @DonkeyRopeTV!