M (20) 300 pounds, 6’4. I’m not confident about my body whatsoever, I don’t expect to get any compliments. I’m not ashamed of my weight, but I am trying to lose it. Figured I’d share here since this is a positive community
Male 34, 292 lbs, and 5’11â€. I’d like to return to my prior fitness level, so I’m going to start posting my naked weightloss progress. Will also document my nude progress in workouts at home, too.
20,151lbs,5" This one is for Lopy1215 for calling me fat and telling me to lose weight. This body beautiful and you can't stop me or anyone who has a body like mine.
22f | 5’4 | 153 lbs; i’m trying to become more confident. i have been ashamed of my body for years because of body dysmorphia (mostly because i have zero curves).