First post: had a giant red spot on the end of my nose for a week or so and while at work it started hurt whenever my mask rubbed it and then I see this beauty
Tiny, painful, hard white bump right on the inside of the knuckle on my thumb. This is what I presume is a forbidden pop… has anyone else gotten something like this before? It hurts like mad to bend my thumb. It’s hard to see but the center of the bu
No idea what's that. Probably cyst or some kind of lipoma. Tried to squeeze it(with gloves ofc). But only blood and some brown pus came out. It's on my mother's boyfriend's side of head. He said that it just grew in a day. Cleaned with betadine and d
Kept telling myself it wasn’t gonna pop yet so not to record. Was gonna give it another day so it would be bigger for y’all.I barely touched it & boom a squirter. I feel like I let y’all down.
This is the 2nd time this popped up on my butt what is this. It itched but there was nothing there and like overnight it grew and has individual white heads