How do I clean my Honey Woven cowboy boots? Haven’t worn them so I don’t know if the only thing I can do is use a protector spray, if there ain’t a good way to clean them.
New boots! This is my first time i got them like this , they are army surplus (unissued). Do they need any extra attention if they come like this? I just find it strange.
Anyone know anything about Ariat Exclusives ? — can’t find this Outlier brand on Ariat website. Seems to be an in-store exclusive. Should I be concerned they are counterfeit ? Store is Authorized to sell Ariat
New boots! Got fed up with disappointing Redwings and a franchisee that never seemed to want my business, so I picked up 2 pairs of Thorogoods for work today. 8044200 & 8044205, both steel toe. Guy even gave me a package deal on them!