An automod or bot repeats someone has subbed or got gifted sub on streamers account. Can't figure out what bot causes it does anyone know? Becomes annoying in mass subbing we see what is depicted in the screenshot plus the 5 sub messages from twitch.
If I use this picture for my profile pic, will it get me In trouble? I just found the two pics. The Supreme one on Google, and the master chief helmet on reddit, I cropped the helmet so the background isn't in the image, and the Supreme meme didn't hav
Anyone know how to fix this? When I first plugged my Canon camera into my PC, it wasn't as bad as this, but now, when it's plugged in, it barely takes up space and doesn't really fit the screen (as you can see by the black empty space that the camera
Ty Twitch for giving gamers a voice. Today marks 100 days in a row on stream. Learned so much and forever grateful. Started from the bottom but we still here. The process continues, day by day we have the wonderful gift to plant seeds that will eventuall
Please do not offer services to streamers without getting straight to the point. Or atleast try to get to know them first! ( I was not trying to be mean alright )
This happened to anyone else? Twitch loads but 9/10ths of the UI is completely broken. I have to type the streamer in to the URL if I want to see them and even when I do that most of the UI is still missing