This weird thing on my finger. It's excruciating, and seems to be getting worse. Headed to the GP today, but figured you guys would find it interesting.
The aftermath of me trying to get 3 pimples (stacked above each other) out of my face. Been there for at least 2 weeks and it's annoying me and hurts when I touch it. Now it's even worse
I get this every so often, and it stays for WEEKS if not months, it's sore and weeps often (that's why it looks crusty) doesn't come to a head, and eventually goes away on its own. I look gross because it's so huge
in a groggy, half-conscious state, felt something poking inside of my nose... proceeded to get a massive nosebleed after this.. pretty sure i just pulled a vital connection to my brain lmao
New piercing infection... I was cleaning the earring and trying to relieve some of the itching by pulling on the lobe away from the piercing and this is what I accidently let out...