Having a super low spoon day. 😿 I had a lot of big girl stuff I wanted to get done but I don’t feel well and I just want to stay in bed and not come out until I feel better
☃️Xmas Is Coming! ☃️ Will You Be Snowballing Next Month?? ❄️ The RACK 🔞 Are Looking For New Blood For Our 14 Fun Filled Group Rooms. Come And Join Us If You Are Looking For A Safe🔞, Kinky⛓️ Space To Socialise👯, Learn📚 & Sh
Bought these bun bun ears to reward myself for finishing the semester! I‘ ve been having a lot of ups and downs but I managed to get all A’s for the first time in maybe 5 years. PSA:Try to be compassionate to yourself even when things aren’t going
I could have lost my life recently, I was in a really bad accident involving a deer, and even though things have been really rough, I'm just glad I'm alive...