I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime
Could someone explain, what/how these numbers are done? The only one I get is views by location which actually matches the total views in stream but what are the other things?
Has anyone else been having trouble exporting their VODS. im using the same email for my vod channel and twitch but it says i dont have a channel associated with the email
Anyone know how to fix this? happening on several people on follow except for some. have refurbished laptop so copying things and reinstalling extensions etc
An automod or bot repeats someone has subbed or got gifted sub on streamers account. Can't figure out what bot causes it does anyone know? Becomes annoying in mass subbing we see what is depicted in the screenshot plus the 5 sub messages from twitch.
This happened to anyone else? Twitch loads but 9/10ths of the UI is completely broken. I have to type the streamer in to the URL if I want to see them and even when I do that most of the UI is still missing