I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime
I just started streaming, and I'm trying to download my videos. I think I might be able to download the clips I uploaded, but I go into my video manager and get this message. I turned on auto archive on my streaming, so they're all saved somewhere I th
If I put my prime gaming on this EA account, which PSN account would it go to? Do I get to choose? I’m afraid of my rewards going to the other account (crossed out) rather than mine (WP4IUB).
Hey, heads up: during stream I was followbotted and these bots came into my discord and shared screenshots of gore. Please be cautious when you see similar names.
Yo everyone,basically I've reached 50 follows today (like 12h ago) and on my "Path to Affiliate" it shows that I have 42/50 follows. Should it update on its own or its some kind of bug ?